Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dangerous but FUN toys!

When you were a kid growing up whether it be the 40's 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's or 00's you most likely had a favorite toy that you played with until you broke or wore it out. It seemed to me the more dangerous the more fun I had with it.

In the 60's and early 70's I had 3 Favorites toys: 

The principle of these toys was to have fun not child safety. Clackers were hours of fun until your wrist/forearm got so bruised from the ceramic or glass balls smacking you. You could also lose and eye from it shattering and the third use was as a weapon. As an enemy was running away from you, you would sling it at there legs tripping them up so you could catch up to them. I had seen that these are still available in Rocky Point Mexico from vendors....I was tempted but knowing my kids they were not purchased.

Kenners SSP

Not as dangerous but not quite as fun was the SSP. These were durable race rockets! When you inserted the tined plastic rip cord beside the wheel you ripped it out as fast as you could. Racing buddies down the sidewalk, street and across porches in Dayton Ohio was a mainstay of weekends with this toy. The main injuries sustained were pinched skin ,severe skin burns when your hand was too close ripping out the cord as fast as you could and the occasional cord whip to your buddy when he got under your skin.

the Big Wheel
Nothing said more fun than having 2 of the Original Big Wheels, a down hill sidewalk and friends Racing, Crashing, Jumping,no helmets and no brakes. How did we survive? Just youthful bliss!  I'm sure there are more stories out there let me know. What was your fun dangerous toy you played with growing up? AHHHH Memories.

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